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30 Aug

Wheel Alignment

What is Wheel Alignment?

Wheel alignment Tunbridge Wells involves a mechanical adjustment of vehicle suspension Kent to influence the direction and angle of the tyre’s contact with the road surface. The optimum alignment for each make and model of vehicle is set by the manufacturer in order to influence the performance and handling. Alignment also impacts upon safety and tyre Kent wear hence, an important element of servicing that should be completed at regular intervals.


Is Wheel Alignment Important? 

Wheel alignment Kent is an extremely important part of vehicle servicing in order to influence a vehicle’s handling characteristics which can impact overall safety. Aside from the safety and handling aspect, maintaining the correct alignment can also extend the life of your tyres Tunbridge Wells and reduce wear – which will ensure you get the best value for money from your tyres as well as boosting fuel consumption. Having the correct wheel alignment improves vehicle handling and steering whilst also reducing braking distances compared to misaligned vehicles.


What Are the Signs of Incorrect Wheel Alignment?

Signs that your vehicle requires a wheel alignment service are:

  • Vehicle pulls towards the left or right side.
  • The steering wheel is off centre when driving straight.
  • Steering wheel vibration.
  • Abnormal or uneven tread wear.
  • Positive toe.
  • Negative toe.
  • Positive camber.
  • Negative camber.
  • Caster.


Camber defines the inward or outward tilt angle of the tyres when looking at the car front on.


Toe is the alignment of the tyres in relation to being parallel to each other when viewed from directly above the vehicle. Tyres could face in (toe-in) or outwards (toe-out).


Caster focuses on the steering axis tilt that is visible from the side of the car. Caster influences the stability, balance of steering and cornering.

Source; Goodyear 

Here at PK Motors Accident Repair Centre, Tunbridge Wells we have the latest, state of the art optical camera four wheel alignment equipment, which measures and corrects your vehicles front and rear wheel alignment, ensuring your vehicle is safe and minimising unnecessary tyre wear. 

If you feel your vehicle is pulling to one side or have noticed your tyres are wearing quickly, contact the team today to arrange your alignment check. Contact us 


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